Something has been nagging me. What if I were surrounded by people who didn't believe I had a reason to mourn? What if my friends and family thought my baby wasn't a person yet because she hadn't been born? So many women are told their babies are not babies. In my current sorrow, I can see clearly the suffering this would cause to a woman.
I know personally several people who have been convinced by a particular worldview that what they have lost by miscarriage or abortion is not a loss. Where is their outlet? They have been shamed into a dark corner where they must bear alone their feelings of grief, confusion, regret, loneliness, anger, and shame. Maybe this is why post-abortive moms have high rates of depression.
See, I know my people and I know the circles that my pleas for help went out to. And I knew that I was safe expressing my sorrow and sharing my baby Sloane with others. A countless number of mothers and fathers will not experience the joy and love I have received. It has to change. I pray it changes.
Every mom who has suffered the loss of a baby for ANY reason must be invited to share. Whether they believe in Christ or not. Whether they brought the sorrow on themselves or not. Whether you lost your baby yesterday or 10 years ago.
If you've been suffering this loss alone, I’m here for you. Or you can find that person in your life who is pro-life, that person you probably avoid or can’t stand. Or you can go to the pro-life organization in your area. Find the person and SPILL YOUR HEART OUT. Unburden yourself. There is no healing without this. I hope you know that there are people who will care for you and care about you. I have heard from hundreds of them in just a few days. Even perfect strangers can help. Being family or friends is not a prerequisite for love and healing to flow from one heart to another.