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The Official Novena to Our Lady of Champion

The National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion hosts SIX novenas every year.
Sign up for their emails and receive beautiful reflections and novena reminders.
See the novena below.


The resting place of Adele Brise, to whom the Virgin Mary appeared in Champion, Wisconsin, 1859.


Official Novena Prayer of
Our Lady of Champion
(formerly Our Lady of Good Help)

O Dear Lady of Champion, You revealed yourself as the Queen of Heaven to your servant Adele. You gave her a mission to pray for the conversion of sinners, to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to others and to prepare children for the reception of the sacraments.

I trust that, as you called Adele to holiness, you are calling me, in my station in life, to live a holy life, devoted to Jesus Christ, with the help of your maternal love.

I bring before you now my worries and anxieties. I abandon my attachments to them and place them at your feet. I ask you to hear the deepest longings of my heart as I pray most earnestly for (your intention).

Dear Lady, you told Adele and you say to all of us “Do not be afraid; I will help you.” Help me now as I place this intention with complete confidence and trust. Amen.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory Be.

Our Lady of Champion, pray for us.


The grave of Adele Brise, the seer of Our Lady of Champion.



A book based on America’s first Marian apparition!
Published by Tan Books.


Make it daily prayer

Typically used for novenas, the Our Lady of Champion Novena Prayer is well suited for daily use. It redirects our energies toward three pursuits mentioned by Our Lady of Champion in her apparition: sacrificing for the salvation of sinners, evangelizing the world, and bringing the faith to children.

In every state of life, this prayer is also a reminder that holiness is attainable; no vocation is a barrier to prayer or sacrifice. Bringing our worries to Our Lady, we are then given courage with the final words of the apparition: “Go, and fear nothing. I will help you.”