The Woman in the Trees is available through TAN BOOKS.
Set within the expanses of the American frontier, The Woman in the Trees follows Slainie, an inquisitive pioneer girl, whose life is forever transformed when a mysterious seer shows up at her door. Amidst the backdrop of the Civil War, family tragedy, and the nation's most destructive wildfire, Slainie must navigate her rugged pioneer life as she encounters love and loss and comes face to face with the story of America's first approved Marian apparition.
“Even devout American Catholics are almost wholly ignorant - myself included! - of this approved Marian apparition in our own country. The Woman in the Trees seeks to rectify that situation with a wonderfully told story enjoyable for both children and adults. The way faith moves in this story is both subtle and slow, delivered in dribs and drabs by a hardy, one-eyed catechist. But when Our Lady of Help shows up - wow! A story of faith and survival not to be missed!”
“We are always on the lookout for good Catholic fiction and are so glad to have this book as part of our library! It’s a unique look at the lives of nineteenth century American Catholic immigrants, interwoven with the story behind the only approved U.S. Marian apparition. I look forward to making it part of our homeschool reading list.”
“This novel is something all ages can relate to. It’s heartfelt but addresses the difficulties of having a faithless parent. It feels as though you are really in Slainie’s mind, and it’s refreshing to see a modern novel dedicated to our Blessed Mother.”
“This is great historical fiction. The Peshtigo fire was the most devastating forest fire in American History. What is not currently mentioned outside of Wisconsin is how faithful Catholics took refuge at a chapel and prayed for the fire to stop. It became one of the miracles that the Vatican investigated in the only approved Marian apparition in the United States. The author wrote a captivating historical fiction novel of this event. Truly enjoyed reading it after visiting the actual site and speaking to people in the area.”
Little House meets Marian Apparition!