“I felt drawn to the basement...”

a story about COMFORT and CONVERSION

Alora was finally pregnant. After three years of trying, she had finally conceived, but her joy was shrouded in anxiety. She had low progesterone levels and had already lost several babies.   

When her husband, a devout Catholic, suggested visiting the shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, Alora was skeptical. As a Baptist, she never understood devotion to Mary, but they went anyway.  

At the shrine, Alora’s husband prayed for a long time at what he thought was the apparition site, but Alora was ready to go. A pregnant woman on her feet too long, she was also wrangling a young son who was past his limit. 

Then, as they began for the car, Alora felt drawn to the basement. She was only curious, just wanting to check it out, but she felt drawn deeper into the room until she stood before the statue of Our Lady. At that moment, the baby in her belly began doing somersaults! Amazed, Alora called to her husband and son. With their hands on Alora’s belly, the three stood under Mary’s statue and felt the baby rolling all over the place. Alora was sure the pregnancy was blessed and the baby would be safe. She gave birth to a healthy little girl a few months later. 

As Alora and her family drove home, she studied the shrine map and discovered that they had been standing on the spot where Mary appeared. That night, she told her husband she wanted to join the RCIA and become a Catholic.  

“Our Lady of Good Help has completely changed my life, our lives. I want to go back now that I'm catholic and I know where she appeared. There is a lot of meaning behind everything.”